Nieuwsbrief Ontmanteling Nederlandse Antillen (Engels)

Communication and supplying information is an essential part of the dismantling process. The Project Organisation Dismantling POLNA and its Core Group (Kerngroep) consider this very important.

As such information will be distributed on a regular basis, both to the civil servants and the public.

The Explanatory Note of the Federal Decree establishing the Project Organisation, proclaimed in October last year, specifically states that the Core Group has an important task in coordinating,
but also communicating the work that it does to dismantle the Antilles. Stakeholders need to be kept abreast of developments. Stakeholders in this process are the civil servants, the governments, including those of Aruba, the Netherlands, and of course the citizens of the islands.

To give content to its responsibility to share information, also in the Windward Islands,
the Core Group and its Chairman Mr. Geomaly Martes have appointed a communication
person specifically for St. Maarten, Saba and St. Eustatius, in the person of Suzanne Koelega. A communication plan has been drawn for the Windward Islands with specific actions that will be executed during the dismantling trajectory.

Actions in the area of communication include newsletters such as this one, as well as information sessions, issuing of releases via the media, interviews on radio and TV. POLNA is coordinating its activities with the Island Territories as informing the stakeholders is a joint responsibility. A
communication team has been appointed on Curaçao to facilitate the information part of the process on that island.

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